Exploits Valley Botwood Airport map

Exploits Valley Botwood Airport details and information

ident: CCP2
type: small airport
latitude: 49.05599975585938
longitude: -55.44770050048828
elevation: 365 ft.
continent: North America (NA)
iso country: Canada (CA)
ISO Region: Newfoundland and Labrador (CA-NL)
Municipality: Exploits Valley
Scheduled Service: no
GPS Code: CCP2
local code: CCP2
wikipedia link: Exploits Valley Botwood Airport in Wikipedia
keywords: CP2

Exploits Valley Botwood Airport runways

07/25 3930x75 ft.
06/24 0x0 ft.

Exploits Valley Botwood Airport frequencies

A/D ( GANDER CNTR ) 132.1 Mhz
ATF ( ATF ) 123.2 Mhz